카테고리 없음
아이팟터치 정보 아이팟1세대와 아이폰 차이점
2010. 10. 27. 23:21
음. 볼수록 매력적인데요. 안드로이드의 프로요 2.2 업그레이드 테더링과 결합하면 잇글링도 되는거죠?!
- There is no email client on the iPod Touch
- There is no Maps application on the iPod Touch
- There are no Stocks or Weather widgets on the iPod Touch
- There is no built-in camera for the iPod Touch
- There are no Blutooth capabilities for the iPod Touch
- The iPod Touch has a differently styled "Dock," with a reflective surface -- akin to the Dock that will debut with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
- While the iPod Touch is sleeping, the user can tap the home button twice to bring up touch controls on the screen -- a feature the iPhone currently lacks
- The iPod Touch has a separate Contacts app -- it's built into the Phone application on the iPhone
- The iPod Touch has separate Video and Music apps, whereas the iPhone has a single "iPod" app that contains these functions
- There is apparently (and obviously) no microphone on the iPod Touch, though it will be interesting to see if such audio-in capabilities could be enabled via a third-party device.
- The iPod touch's headphone jack is on the bottom of the device
- The iPod touch lacks a built-in external speaker
- The iPod touch's screen appears to be of a slightly higher quality than the iPhone, with 163 pixels per inch to the iPhone's 160 pixels per inch.